Jharkhand State came into existence on 15thth November, 2000. After the formation of Jharkhand State from Bihar, "Jharkhand State Registration Tribunal, Pharmacy" was established by the Government of Jharkhand which was an arrangement for registration of pharmacists as per The Pharmacy Act, 1948. Now Jharkhand State Pharmacy Council which is a statutory body functioning under the Health, Medical Education and Family Welfare Department, Government of Jharkhand stands constituted from February, 2018. It is constituted under Section 19 of the Pharmacy Act, 1948. It has 15 members out of which 5 are nominated by the State Government, 6 are elected from amongst the Registered Pharmacist, 3 ex-officio members and one member elected from amongst themselves by the members of Medical Council or the Council of Medical Registration of the State.